Here you'll find links to published and forthcoming papers. Please email if you have any questions or comments.
Philosophy of Language
“Particularized Conversational Implicature and Miraculous Communication,” Language Sciences 86 (2021)
"Language and Simplexity: A Powers View," in Language Sciences 71 (2019)
"Aristotle and Distributed Language: Capacity, Matter, Structure, and Languaging," in Language Sciences 53 (2016)
"When Words Do Things: Perlocutions and Affordances for Social Action," in Austin on Language, Brian Garvey (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan: 2014
"Implicating Without Intending on a Gricean Account of Implicature," Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 4 (2012)
"Externalizing Communicative Intentions" SATS: Northern European Journal of Philosophy 12 (2011)
Philosophy of Mind
“New Ontological Foundations for Extended Minds: Causal Powers Realism," (with Joseph Vukov) Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, forthcoming
“Inhibitive and Catalytic Causal Powers in Organizational Cognition,” (with Joseph Vukov) in Organizational Cognition, Davide Secchi, Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen, and Stephen J. Cowley (eds.), Routledge, (2023): 145-167.
“Empowering Biosemiotics,” Revista Italiana di Filosofia del Linguaggio, 15 (2022)
“Could a Robot Flirt? 4E Cognition, Reactive Attitudes, and Robot Autonomy,” Society & AI, 37 (2022)
"In Search of an Ontology for 4E Theories: From New Mechanism to Causal Powers Realism," (with Jospeh Vukov) Synthese 199 (2021)
“How to Power Encultured Minds,” (with Joseph Vukov) Synthese 197(2020)
"Much Ado About Nothing: the Coupling-Constitution Fallacy," (with Aaron Kagan) Pragmatics & Cognition 21 (2013)
Social Epistemology
“Watching People Watching People: Culture, Prestige, and Epistemic Authority," Social Epistemology 36 (2022)
"Reply to Mugg," Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective (2020)
“Implicit Racial Bias and Sham Epistemic Authorities,” Social Epistemology 33 (2019)
“Implicit Racial Bias and Epistemic Pessimism," (with Nathan Ballantyne) Philosophical Psychology 30 (2017)
Agent-based Models
"Arational Belief Convergence," Synthese 198 (2021): 6329-6350
“Macro Conditions for Marginalization: Diversity and Resistance to Change in Post-Industrial Societies,” (with Vinai Norasakkunkit, Benjamin Shuman, and Tuukka Toivonen) Frontiers in Psychology, 9:812 (2018), doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00812